Now conservative neighbors can connect with one another in a safe online environment at… but then what should we do? Let’s talk about it!

Freedom Hacks, hosted by longtime Colorado political hacks, er, operatives, Kelly Maher, Matt Knoedler, and Allen Fuller, is a podcast dedicated to helping conservatives find the best ideas, initiatives, and methods to move the needle for Freedom in their communities. Listeners can expect 3-4 podcasts around 40 minutes long each month.

Our first three podcasts are meant to give a little backstory and baseline about CaucusRoom- why did we build it? What should we use it for? We also try to tackle some of the frequently asked questions we get about CaucusRoom.

From here on out, the podcast will be focused outward on causes, campaigns, and activists in the conservative movement. What can we learn from them? What are their Freedom Hacks?

CaucusRoom Members- Send us your questions and ideas for upcoming podcasts, and we’ll tackle a few in every episode. We will also spend a few minutes in each episode announcing any product updates and other company announcements.

Click here to subscribe to CaucusRoom’s SoundCloud channel to access all of our Freedom Hacks podcasts.

Click here to listen to Freedom Hacks, Episode 1 on SoundCloud.

-Click here to listen to Freedom Hacks, Episode 1 on iTunes (We will update the link when it is available).

Show Notes:

  • Bios for Matt Knoedler, Allen Fuller and Kelly Maher
  • The changing landscape of political influencers
  • Bringing politics away from the Capitol and back to the neighborhoods
  • How Matt got the idea for CaucusRoom
  • Talking CaucusRoom Membership and Features