Leadership Transition

Caucus Room Members,

After more than 4 years as CEO of Caucus Room, Matt Knoedler is stepping away from his leadership position. Matt transformed Caucus Room from a simple concept to an operating platform. Matt wanted you all to know that he will continue to be an enthusiastic Caucus Room supporter and wants Caucus Room to be successful in its support of all its conservative Members. We want to wish Matt God’s blessing as he begins this next chapter in his life.

With Matt’s departure, I will be providing leadership as Caucus Room transitions to its new tightly focused role as a virtual meeting place for conservatives as they work together with their neighbors at the county level to organize for campaigns, causes, petitions, initiatives and more. I believe elections are won and lost, and society as a whole is most powerfully influenced by people like you working together with their neighbors at the very local level. Caucus Room stands ready to help you, if that is something you want to do.

I will communicate what the changes will be and how they will affect you over the coming days. The targeted “Factory Reset” for Caucus Room is January 1, 2024.

Thank you for all you do, and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas season.


John Coors

Manager, Caucus Room LLC