The CaucusRoom Constitution

Adopted February 21, 2021, Amended on November 11, 2021, by the CaucusRoom Council

  • Council: The Member Representative Council (a.k.a the Legislative Branch)
  • Rules: Similar to municipal ordinances.
  • Personal Data: Personal identifying information collected by CaucusRoom

Preamble is an online community of neighbors seeking to support and advance the Community Values in their local, state, and national governments. IF these goals are executed properly by the Company (CaucusRoom L.L.C.) and honored by its Members, CaucusRoom will become an important force in American politics. For that reason, the governance of the CaucusRoom community must include substantive input from democratically-elected Membership Representatives. Together, the Executive and Representative branches of CaucusRoom will determine CaucusRoom’s Community Principles and rules, as well as the procedures to support them. The purpose of this Constitution is to define the authority vested in each branch, to guarantee certain rights to Members and the Company, and to establish a lasting and adaptable system of governance for the CaucusRoom community.

Article 1. Declaration of Rights

1 Membership Rights

 1. Any individual that is eligible to vote in the United States and that agrees to abide by the CaucusRoom Community Rules may   join CaucusRoom and apply to become a Verified Member. (For the time being, think of verification as a Citizenship Test that authenticates the individuals’ identity and determines their pledge to abide by the Community Rules to be made in earnest.)

1.1 Individuals rejected in the Verification process are entitled to appeal the decision for review and reconsideration in a process established within the Community Rules, Judicial Section of Governance.

1.2 Individuals cannot be permanently banned from CaucusRoom without just cause and a review by the Council.

1.3 Verified Members (hereafter identified as ‘Members’) may post, comment on other’s posts, and use the functions provided by the site, such as creating events and groups, provided that their intended outcomes do not substantially conflict with the Community Values.

2. The Company shall not interfere with a Member Representiave’s communication with Member constituents.

2. Member Data Rights

1. With the exception of scenarios described in Article 1, 2.1.1, Members have a right to have their stored data deleted from’s database upon request.

1.1 When Members interact with others on the site, such as signing petitions or responding to comments and events, they are exchanging data with individuals and groups that extend beyond the control of CaucusRoom.

2. Members have a right to be provided with a detailed overview of how the data they provide is being used on the site.

3. Member data will not be exported to 3rd party entities, except for the purpose of initial member verification as described in the company privacy policy.

3. Company Rights

1. The company must maintain its fiduciary obligation to investors and has a right to make business decisions regarding the site’s functions and content accordingly.

2. Liability protection. The Company has a right to take actions on the site to prevent potential liabilities.

3. Making changes to the site and services:

3.1 The Company has a right to create and eliminate features and service lines.

Article 2. Executive Branch

2. CaucusRoom LLC, its executives, and employees will comprise the Executive Branch. References to the ‘Executive’ below means ‘the Chief Executive Officers or his/her designee.’

1. The Executive maintains veto authority, including line-item veto authority, over resolutions from the Representative Branch (However, a line-item veto may not change the substantive meaning of a resolution). There is no override mechanism for vetoes,but the Council may resend.

2. The Executive may set deadlines for Council input on governance matters.

3. any substantive governance questions left undefined by the Representative Branch may be resolved on a provisional basis by the Executive until such time as the Council can address the matter in question.

4. The Executive is the chief enforcement officer of Community rules. HOWEVER, the Executive may not permanently ban a Member without a 2/3 supermajority vote of Representatives.

5. The Executive may establish Special Advisory Committees by Appointment.

6. The Executive may appoint replacements to the Council if a vacancy occurs prior to t a regularly scheduled election. However, Appointed Representatives must be confirmed by a majority vote of Representatives.

7. The Executive may propose resolutions for the council’s approval.

8. the Executive may call a Special Session of Representatives and define the scope of the Special Session.

9. The Executive may call for a Special Election to the Membership at large for consideration of major initiatives, Constitutional Amendments, or an election of new Representatives.

Article 3. Representative Council

3. The CaucusRoom Council will be a unicameral Legislative body comprised of elected representatives of the Membership, to establish the Rules of the site and to advise the executive on all governance issues pertaining to the site.

1. A Verified Member of CaucusRoom is an individual that agrees to abide by the community Rules and is verified by CaucusRoom through verification methods approved by the Council.

2. Geographic Subdivisions. In order to respect the principal design ofCaucusRoom as a neighborhood-oriented catalyst for political engagement, representative districts will be established.

2.1.Districts will consist of the four primary United States time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. Voters from the states of Alaska and Hawaii, as well as Pacific Ocean island territories, will be included in the Pacific District. Voters from states and territories in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean will be included in the Eastern District.

2.2. The occasion for redistricting may be determined by Council Resolution.

2.3. The Council, by resolution, may establish up to five“At Large” Council seats representing the entire CR membership in a state.

3. Elections

3.1 Elections will be held annually. In the event of Council vacancies, elections can be called by ExecutiveOrderor by Council resolution.

3.1.1.The election will occur on a date or during a range of dates set by Council resolution.

3.1.2.The election will conclude no later than December 15 of each calendar year.

3.2.Term lengths and term limits will be two years, except the at-large representative term will be set at one year and will be elected annually.

3.2.1. Overlapping terms. Member terms will be staggered on the calendar to ensure continuity.

3.2.2.Council terms will begin on January 1 following each election and will end on January 1 two years hence.

3.3. There will be 2 (Two) Representatives per district, with alternating election cycles so that one Representative per district will be subject to an expiring term each calendar year.

3.4 There will be one at-large representative on the Council.

3.4.1.Following each election, the at-large member will be the candidate for District Representative who fails to win their District but earned the most votes among all unsuccessful Representative candidates.

3.4.2.The term of the at-large Council Representative will be one year.

3.5 Proxy votes are not allowed.

3.6 Council Discipline

3.6.1 -CENSURE

A- PROCESS A Council member may propose a censure motion against another member. The proposal must detail the reason for the censure. The member being considered for censure will be entitled to present a defense or retraction.

B APPROVAL Approval of censure will require an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Council members, not to include the member being censured.

C DISCIPLINARY ACTION Council will issue a formal censure notice detailing the offense. Voting privileges will be suspended for the current and next regular session of the Council after censure is approved. The censured member may continue to participate in meetings, discussions, and other privileges of a council member.

3.7 Sunset Clause for the initial Council, to create rules for the initial Council elected to begin serving in 2021, establishing alternating election cycles for District representatives:

3.7.1 The Representatives in each District who earned the higher vote total in the 2020 election shall have the right to choose whether their term ends in 2021, serving for that calendar year, or in 2022, serving in the years 2021 and 2022. The other representative from that District will serve for the term not chosen by the earner of the higher vote total.

3.7.2 In the event of a tie, vote totals for District Representative, the choice of term length as outlined in the previous subparagraph will be awarded to the Representative who has been a CaucusRoom member the longest.

3.7.3 In the event of post-election appointments to the Council, the Representatives so appointed will be subordinate to previously existing elected or appointed members for the purpose of selecting term length in subparagraphs 1 and 2.

3.7.4 Each Council member with term length selection rights must declare their intentions on or before September 30, 2021. Selection rights will revert to the other district representative after that date. If neither representative has exercised their right of choice by November 1, 2021, the two-year term will be awarded via the seniority procedure in subparagraph 2.

3.7.5 The at-large member’s term will be for the calendar year 2021.

3.7.6 The entirety of this Sunset Clause, including its subparagraphs, will automatically be deleted from the CaucusRoom Constitution on December 31, 2021, as its purpose will be complete and its further inclusion will be unnecessary.

4. Scope of Authority

4.1 The Council is charged with creating advisory rules and actions forCaucusRoom pertaining to the following matters:

4.1.1. Judicial review of disciplinary action on members

4.1.2. Community Principles

4.1.3. Disapproval of new Rooms (Causes/Campaigns/Events)

4.1.4. Rules to implement the Constitution

4.1.5. Amendments to the Constitution (per section 6 of this Article)

4.2. Staffing: The Council will be afforded staff support by the Executive Branch

4.3. Resolutions

4.3.1. Resolutions are in order to add/subtract/edit Community Principles statements.

4.4. Amendments to the Constitution require a 2/3 majority of the Council and will be placed on the ballot for all members to vote upon in the next scheduled election.

4.5. The Council may establish Committees and Subcommittees.

4.6. The Council must meet at least quarterly.

4.6.1. A quorum is a majority of Elected Council Representatives.

4.6.2.The Council can approve the establishment of “virtual” meetings and Committee meetings but must meet in person at least once per year.

Article 4. Judicial Process

4. The Judicial section of this Constitution and its associated Rules will address the adjudication of bans and suspensions imposed by the Executive.

  1. Advisements regarding the handling of Member of Group Suspensions will be incorporated into a resolution of recommended disciplinary actions to be voted upon by the full Council and transmitted to the Executive.

1.1 Provisional Suspension- CR staff can impose provisional suspensions for alleged violations of the Community rules. Suspensions may not last beyond two months without Council review.

1.2 Verified Suspension- Council approves suspension for a period of time.

1.3 Permanent Suspension- Council should approve with a 2/3 supermajority vote required.

2. Establishment of Groups

2.1 Any member can create a Group page.

2.2 Executive Branch will review all new Groups to determine if they align with the Community Principles.

2.3 Groups flagged by the executive as potentially adverse to the Principles must be reviewed by Members of the Council.

2.4 The Executive may impose temporary suspensions upon Group pages pending Council Review.

2.5 Council Members objecting to the Company’s approval of a Group may propose Disciplinary Resolutions, or amendments thereto, to recommend suspension of a group.

Article 5. Special Advisory Committees

5. Special Advisory Committees may be created by Executive Order of Council Resolution to study issues that require subject matter expertise and /or significant time requirements that extend beyond