Changes at CaucusRoom

Leadership Transition Caucus Room Members, After more than 4 years as CEO of Caucus Room, Matt Knoedler is stepping away from his leadership position. Matt transformed Caucus Room from a simple concept to an operating platform. Matt wanted you all to know that he will...

CaucusRoom Council Elections are here

What is the CaucusRoom Council? Think of the CaucusRoom Council as a City Council, with some judicial powers as well. The Company is the staff— the police, the road crew, the permit department— and the Council sets the ordinances. For instance, how should CaucusRoom...

Ed McVaney Taught Me How to Think.

“Bottom Line Up Top!” he would say. “If you can’t fit it on a postcard, you don’t know it well enough.” Ed McVaney rose from humble Nebraska roots to become one of the founding fathers of modern business software.  He was the “Edward” in J.D. Edwards, Inc.. He was...